Why Do Entrepreneur Persist?

Shun-Yun Hu
3 min readMar 25, 2019


This morning I woke up thinking about a question: if all the evidences and results are pointing to failures and negative feedback, how and why can one still continue towards an intended goal?

This question is something we face everyday, and particularly applicable if the intended goal is an obscure / big / ambitious one.

From losing weight, improving relations, getting better income, to executing a project, starting a business, we all tend to set and pursue desired goals in life, yet when the initial results are all without results, or even negative results, does one still continue to pursue the goal? Or continue to try?

Let say the goal is to gain more income, if on the contrary of gaining more, one is actually losing even more money, due to investment failure, or money spent on learning or self improvement that does not yet yield any results, should one still continue? Could one still continue? Will one still continue?

When there are no signs of progress, no evidence of advancements towards the goal, or no visible possibility of getting any results, we know that most people would likely give up and change course. But why do some still persist? What’s supporting them? And what determines whether persisting is a good decision or not?

Darren Hardy mentioned in his Darren Daily program, that many successful entrepreneurs actually do change direction (or pivot) if something isn’t working out well, and that it’s actually a myth that “winners never quit”.

But he also mentioned that one should not quit simply because it is “difficult”. Because overcoming difficulty is a sign of successful people, of being able to achieve what others could not.

What Darren mentions is a belief system, so if you subscribe to this belief, likely you will act differently from others when faced with obstacles or when there’s no signs of visible results in your efforts.

But then the question is how does one initiate or subscribe to such a belief system? What builds up the belief of being willing to still work towards a goal when there’s no signs of progress or results?

I believe the answer lies in whether you’ve come into contact with a role model or mentor you trust. Because while one may not have or see the expected results, having trust in the guidance of another who’s gone through the same path, likely will sustain one through the initial difficulty / setback / obscurity.

In the end, what becomes or manifests as “real” in the reality, were all once just “thoughts” and “imaginations” within one’s head. In other words, belief in something that will happen plus the persistence to execute the necessary steps to bring it about from concept to reality, is what actually makes things happen and appear in our world.

What is your thoughts or belief on this? And how can one still continue or persist despite no apparent results? I’d like to hear your views or thoughts, and please share them! So we may all be able to move better and smoother, on the lonely path towards achieving big dreams and goals.



Shun-Yun Hu
Shun-Yun Hu

Written by Shun-Yun Hu

Founder of Joint Commonwealth Inc. (JCF), Co-founder of Imonology Inc. Someone who enjoys to observe, to think, and to create…

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